
Jinan was Listed as Top 50 China Tour Cities

Jinan tourist satisfaction index of 78.72, more than Guangzhou, Chongqing, Qingdao, Kunming and other famous tourist city, ranked 13th, compared with the same period of 2010 to enhance the 28 ranking over the first quarter improved 14 ranking.

China National Tourism Administration recently announced the second quarter of 2011, the national tourist satisfaction survey. According to the report, Jinan visitor satisfaction index of 78.72, more than Guangzhou, Chongqing, Qingdao, Kunming and other famous tourist cities, 50 cities in the country ranked 13th, compared with the same period of 2010 to enhance the 28 ranking over the first quarter improved 14 ranking, compared with 2010 average of 6.46, significantly enhance the competitiveness of the city. The second quarter of 2010, the city's tourist satisfaction No. 41, Jinan Municipal Committee, Mayor Zhang Jianguo made ​​this special instructions. Municipal Bureau of Tourism attaches great importance to carefully analyze the problems, actively exploring solutions, multi-pronged approach to strengthen the industry, to carry out rectification, optimize the tourism environment in one year to obtain visitor satisfaction by leaps and bounds, significantly increasing the remarkable success.

The most comprehensive survey of authority beyond Jinan, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Qingdao, Kunming The activities of the national tourist satisfaction survey commissioned by the China National Tourism Administration Tourism Research Institute to carry out a total of 50 samples selected cities. Included in the sample survey of 50 cities, are representative of the national tourist city, has a very strong strength. China Tourism Research Institute through the network, the FIT leaflets, phone calls, etc., on a sample survey of visitors throughout the country by tourists on the tourist attractions in different cities, travel agency services, hotel accommodation, shopping satisfaction overall evaluation score, the final determine the ranking.For more information, please shift to China Travel

